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A gentlemanly villain

The Val d’Orcia is linked to a very fascinating story, that of a gentlemanly villain who robbed the rich to give to the poorest people, without any bloodshed.

His name was Ghino di Tacco, a nobleman of Torrita and La Fratta and he belonged to the Cacciaconti lineage, a family of great Sienese feudal lords. 

Legend tells us that, following some wrongdoing, the Sienese Republic had deprived him of all his possessions, but he was able to steal the castle of Radicofani away from papal control and made it his headquarters for his raids.

He became famous well beyond the borders of the Val d'Orcia and Boccaccio tells us about how, one day, after kidnapping the Abbot of Cluny on the road to San Casciano dei Bagni, Ghino was able to heal his severe stomach ache. 

It was precisely during the kidnapping, that the Abbot was able to get to know Ghino well, noticing that he was cultured and of sound principles.

Statua di Ghino di Tacco
  • Progetto finanziato a valere sui fondi Legge n. 77 del 20 febbraio 2006 “Misure speciali di tutela e fruizione dei siti italiani di interesse culturale, paesaggistico e ambientale, inseriti nella “lista del patrimonio mondiale”, posti sotto la tutela dell’UNESCO”